Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thank You

Thank you all very much for reading my first book, which you know as A Warforged In Eberron, at the eberron fan fic URL.

The book's actual working title was "Friends Of An Orphan." I know that sounds lame, I've never been very good with titles. I wrote it from August of 2006 until January of 2007, and tweaked it some after February of 2007. (In the bulk of January 2007 and all of February 2007 I was studying for, and then took, the Illinois Bar Exam. Thankfully, I passed it on the first try.)

Anyway, up and around March of 2007 I submitted "Friends Of An Orphan," to Wizards of the Coast. There's a long story, but essentially I really, really liked the Eberron Campaign Setting, and I wanted to do a novel in it. I have written books and short stories before (some of the shorts even got published), and I favored science-fiction and fantasy, but I'd never written an "official" novel or story, i.e. a novel or story in someone else's world.

(Check that, when I was 8 I wrote something and submitted it to Dragon. It sucked. They said so, but very nicely. Hey, I was eight.)

I waited. And waited. And after some time, I got a really nice letter. Essentially it said, "We think you write really well, but we have enough Eberron submissions to last us into the next Ice Age, so we really aren't looking for any more."

Fair enough. And I got some nice handwritten compliments in the margins of the form letter, so I can't complain.

Anyways...the book sat on my hard drive, not doing a whole lot. For a while.

Then I figured, what the heck, if I just start reformatting it, I can post it on blogger.

My buddy Tim read it, gave it a link. Tim's a nice guy.

And I posted more.

And then, something happened.

I started to get emails. Comments even.

That really, REALLY perked me up. You have no idea what a lift I get when someone likes my work. THANK YOU.

So, here's the good news. I plan to continue the story.

Here's the bad news, the next book isn't written yet. I mean I have all my notes, and the story arcs are plotted, but I didn't write it yet.

Or rewrite it.

And trust me, nobody is a good writer, you can't be a good writer, you can be a good rewriter. But the first drafts are always weak.

But it will come. Hang in there. Watch this space.

And thank you for the emails and the comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will keep waiting and reading. I wonder if you could put a ticker on the page so that you can show them how many readers you get, thus proving why they should give you lots and lots of money. Anyway I'll keep watching.

Devin Wanberg